Barzilai Grants

Barzilai Grants are a vehicle our foundation uses to provide temporary support for an array of needs.

Grants remove barriers that are limiting or endangering individuals as well as build capabilities in the communities we serve.

Our Grant Programs
Our Grant Programs
Our Grant Programs
Our Grant Programs
Our Grant Programs

Our Grant Programs

Life's obstacles do not always fit neatly to be dealt with by pre-defined support programs, began our grant work to give us and our partners the flexibility create real impact. These grants serve three main functions for recipients who are dealing with circumstances beyond their control:

  • Remove an obstacle that is reducing the long-term potential of an individual and their dependents. These situations often include medical needs that prohibit an individual's ability to function fully and, in some cases, pose a fatal risk.
  • Allow individuals to maintain a standard of living without compromising their financial independence.
  • Allow families to avoid long-term debilitating financial arrangements, such as predatory lending or mortgaging their home to cover medical care or home necessities.

Our foundation administers two types of grants. Our Hardship Grants deal with immediate situations of great need and are administered in conjunction with partners who are working directly with the communities in which we operate. Our Exceptional Needs Grants are referrals from our partners and communities for situations that require more significant intervention to solve larger, more complex challenges.

Our Work

Learn about the work we are doing with spotlights of our programs and individuals we are supporting. These stories represent the realization of our mission.

Vocational Training

Employability provides a pathway for independence

Stories of Our Work

Read stories of our work's impact