Hardship grant enables ex-offender to begin studies toward a new career in Midwifery

Hardship grant enables ex-offender to begin studies toward a new career in Midwifery

Rose is a 32-year-old single parent with a three-year old son. Following a past conviction, for a non-violent crime, she struggled to get a job but through her own determination, completed the access to health care higher education course and secured a place at university to study Midwifery. 

To be an effective student Rose required a new laptop. Rose successfully secured a grant from the University to supplement the cost of the laptop, but the deposit was prohibitive, and she did not have the funds. The Barzilai Foundation funds provided a hardship grant for Rose that enabled her to obtain the laptop and cover associated living expenses so she could begin her studies in Midwifery working toward a new career.

Rose writes

“With the grant, I now have access to a DSA laptop which has been adjusted to suit my needs which will make learning a lot easier and take some of the stress away when taking notes and keeping up with my theory.

So again, I cannot thank you enough for your help and the possibilities that you have given me.

I am hoping that after the end of my 3 years, I will be a fully qualified midwife”.