Access to Healthcare

Health is a universally-desired state of being that transcends age, gender, country, economic status, and education. However, access to care that attains or maintains health varies greatly, and is significantly impacted by factors such as a person’s location and and their financial means.

Why We Work in Healthcare
Why We Work in Healthcare
Why We Work in Healthcare
Why We Work in Healthcare
Why We Work in Healthcare
Why We Work in Healthcare

Why We Work in Healthcare

Access to healthcare is crucial, but not equitable. Lack of health care can be the single most limiting factor to a person achieving their full potential.

Without proper care small infections can lead to amputations. Treatable birth defects can lead to a lifetime of pain and lack of walking mobility. Treatable vision issues can lead to blindness.

A United Nations study showed that in developing countries 80%-90% of disabled individuals are unemployed.* Additionally, 80% of cases of blindness are from treatable causes.** Access to medical care can be the difference between a life in poverty or a life of independence and productivity.

The Barzilai Foundation chose to focus on access to health care, working to remove barriers that prevent other humans from getting care they need. We do this on both the individual level, with direct grants for unique cases, as well as through sustaining programs with our partners that will facilitate access to care for years to come, touching numerous lives.


Our Work

Learn about the work we are doing with spotlights of our programs and individuals we are supporting. These stories represent the realization of our mission.

Click below to read stories across all areas of our work.

Access to Education

Access to education provides opportunity

Vocational Training

Employability provides a pathway for independence