Pathway to Specialisation for Healthcare Professionals

Pathway to Specialisation for Healthcare Professionals

For medical professionals, the pathway to greater career potential often lies in specialization of skillsets. Specialization also provides the communities they serve access to necessary treatment; without that access patients often have to wait or travel abroad to receive the care they need. The Gibraltar community currently presents a significant opportunity for healthcare professionals. Generalist care is abundant across the country but specialist care is not as widely available. Healthcare professionals that are able to develop specialization can put their careers on a whole new trajectory.

Unfortunately, the cost to acquire that specialization is on par with the cost of a full university degree program, putting the additional training education out of reach for many.

“Barzilai Foundation specialisation scholarship funding is more than just financial support,” commented Gráinne McKenna, CEO of Cancer Relief Gibraltar. “Scholarships can change individual lives, but the impact can extend far beyond our individual staff. The positive change they bring can ripple through our community, providing greater range and availability of specialist clinical practitioners for our patients and families, as well as potential future healthcare leaders! Each scholarship awarded is an investment in our shared future and are extremely grateful to Barzilai Foundation for investing in us and the community.”

The Barzilai Foundation teamed up with Cancer Relief to develop a solution; a scholarship fund that provides existing professionals a pathway to obtain certifications in certain specializations, enhance their careers and realize their full potential. The awarding of these scholarships will be informed in part by employers nominating employees that demonstrate both strong performance and strong potential to excel as a specialist.

“By partnering with Cancer Relief for this program we are able to create impact on multiple fronts. Our scholarship recipients will have the opportunity to change their lives,” said Brandon Sosa, CEO of the Barzilai Foundation. “Cancer Relief will be able to retain and attract top professionals which will only enhance the amazing impact they are having on thousands of lives locally. And over the long term the Gibraltar community will have cohorts of specialists that are local and will enhance the entire community’s ability to access the healthcare they need.”

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