Access to Education

The Barzilai Foundation finds high-potential students with proven track records of strong effort who come from lower-income backgrounds, and we strive to level the playing field.

Why We Work in Education
Why We Work in Education
Why We Work in Education
Why We Work in Education

We work with universities and secondary institutions to reach aspiring students

Why We Work in Education

Education is perhaps the single greatest equaliser of wealth and financial stability, offering individuals with high potential who come from low-income households the greatest tool to break poverty cycles that span generations.

Unfortunately, access to higher education and quality secondary education is greatly skewed to favour individuals who come from households that are financially well-off. Even in countries with government aid and free public education, low income families don’t have the same access to quality schools or ability to afford the associated costs of unviersity learning.

A 2017 UNESCO policy paper shows that the global poverty rate could be more than halved if all adults completed secondary school*. However, in countries like India less than 40% of 15-19 year olds are still in school.**

In high-income and developing countries alike, low-income students attend higher education at a fraction of the rate as their wealthier peers.


Our Work

Learn about the work we are doing with spotlights of our programs and individuals we are supporting. These stories represent the realization of our mission.

Click below to read stories across all areas of our work.

For me to receive the scholarship from Barzilai Foundation was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. They have given me the opportunity to study at the University of Gibraltar, given me the chance to get an excellent academic experience and also get a job in the future working for the best companies of Gibraltar and all over the world.


Barzilai Foundation Scholarship Recipient

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We are delighted to be announcing this Access to Nursing Bursary. Employability is a key focus for the University and providing opportunities for individuals to further their career goals lies at the heart of the University’s mission.”

Krystle Robba

Registrar of University of Gibraltar

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I promise I will make good marks in school and complete all my studies. I want to be able to take care of my mother who has taken care of me. I am extremely grateful for the leg braces, crutches, the laptop and lessons that will make it possible for me to achieve my dreams and take care of my family.


Aspiring Student and Exceptional Need Grant Recipient

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We have a long-standing commitment to providing adult students the education they need to reach their full potential, recognizing that their situations often differ from those following a more traditional college pathway. Through this generous scholarship from the Barzilai Foundation, we can make accessing education even easier for students who are overcoming obstacles and welcome them into our growing community of committed adult learners.

Martin Rouse

Director of Adult Career and Special Student Services at UW-Madison Continuing Studies

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The scholarship granted me a fantastic opportunity to complete my higher education and lay the foundation for a successful career. It's astonishing how such generosity can profoundly transform a person's life and steer them towards a bright future.


Barzilai Foundation Scholarship Recipient

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We are extremely grateful to the Barzilai Foundation for this scholarship which will enable deserving students to enroll in higher education programmes at the University of Gibraltar”

Krystle Robba

Registrar of University of Gibraltar

Vocational Training

Employability provides a pathway for independence

Access to Healthcare

Access to healthcare protects future potential