Exceptional Student Overcoming Challenges to Excel in Studies

Exceptional Student Overcoming Challenges to Excel in Studies

Mohammed Sabri is an exceptional 16-year-old student from Tangier, Morocco performing at an elite level in multiple academic subjects. In addition to formal coursework, he has begun to teach himself English independently, to bolster his chances of getting accepted to a university. Mohammed puts in more effort than most of his peers and has already accomplished more academically. All while dealing with a physical disability that could limit him reaching his full potential and future career prospects. 

Mohammed suffers from muscular disorder which affects his arms and legs. He requires a walker for mobility, and he struggles to use manual writing instruments. Mohammed is able to study and take exams with the assistance of a proctor, however independent study and coursework without better resources is impossible, making further academic progress difficult.

As he continues into upper-level courses and eventually university studies, Mohammed will need to operate more autonomously. The Barzilai Foundation equipped Mohammed with a laptop to help him gain independence and prepare for what’s to come. The Foundation has also enrolled him in formal English classes so he can learn the language in a supported setting, rather than struggling to teach himself at home.

“Mohammed has both a strong intellect and will to succeed. When we see a young student putting in this kind of hard work despite big obstacles, we see a place for our foundation to support,” said Brandon Sosa, CEO of the Barzilai Foundation. “Mohammed was born in a rural area and now lives in a group home just to have access to a school. He has all the drive and determination he needs to be successful in life. We wanted to help with the rest.”

Disabilities in developing countries too often put people on a path toward poverty and reliance on others. Mohammed has shown no interest in taking that path. With his potential and work ethic, the Barzilai Foundation saw in Mohammed someone who didn’t need to be defined by any physical limitations. We’re glad we met Mohammed early so we could positively alter his trajectory, and we look forward to big things from him.

“Mohammed has shown great potential for years,” said Hind Akri, Program Advisor for the Barzilai Foundation. “There are resources out there that can help him succeed and get into a good university. Now with this support, Mohammed can take advantage of those resources and build to a strong future.”