
What We Do...

The Barzilai Foundation works with individuals whose life has been derailed by challenges beyond their control. Our support is active, customized and temporary. The aim is to help people overcome those challenges and excel beyond.

Our Impact

The Barzilai Foundation was founded in 2022.

2023 marked our first full calendar year, and we are proud to share our first annual impact report providing an overview of our mission in action.

See some of our most recent Impact Stories below.

How we work...
How we work...
How we work...
How we work...
How we work...
How we work...

How we work...

Providing support to those whose well-being, stability, independence, or future are threatened by external circumstances, as well as...

Making opportunities accessible for people who are looking to improve their status but are facing barriers.

Who we work with...

A select group of partners that include charities, universities, schools, government support agencies, and community leaders, to...

Create and execute joint programs that directly touch the lives of individuals and familes and make an immediate impact, as well as...

Build new capabilities in our partner organisations that in turn will fulfil our mission by providing services and opportunities that didn't exist and make an ongoing impact for years to come.

Access to Education

Learn about our work creating opportunity through access to education

Access to Healthcare

Learn about our work providing support through access to healthcare