Building Schools to Support Students in India

Old School Building in Ghambeeram

Building Schools to Support Students in India

In India, education is a significant accelerator of long-term income potential, especially among students from low-income communities. Sometimes, though, those communities cannot offer the basic facilities needed for a proper education, adding to the already significant barriers for students to complete their education and break free from poverty.

Working with Round Table India, a charitable trust that has been funding community-level education projects across India since 1980, the Barzilai Foundation is working to give students a fighting chance. In two communities, the Barzilai Foundation is sponsoring the completion of two new school buildings.

At one school – GVMC Mandal Parishad Primary School in Ghambeeram – the school was so small relative to demand that many eager students were turned away or forced to study outside without desks. These students came from low-income communities, meaning they already are facing significant challenges toward a bright future. Those that were able to attend the school were taught in a single room with limited access to a lone shared bathroom.

Rendering of New School Building in Ghambeeram

At the Sakshyam Anganwadi School, the situation was even more distressing. The school building was a safety hazard and was closed by the government. When it was still standing, the school housed students in one room with no furnishings.

Through this partnership, we are building new facilities at each location for the 2024-25 school year. In Ghambeeram, the new school will have four classrooms, and desks and furniture for all students. At the site of the demolished Sakshyam Anganwadi School, the new facility will consist of a classroom, a bathroom, and furnishings for each student – giving students an environment to succeed.

“When children are working hard to overcome financial disadvantage, we want to support that effort,” said Brandon Sosa, CEO of the Barzilai Foundation. “We’re proud to be working with Round Table and sponsoring this new construction, and we look forward to seeing what these students can achieve.”

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