Hardship grant provides home furnishing for family rebuilding after fleeing domestic violence:

Hardship grant provides home furnishing for family rebuilding after fleeing domestic violence:

Alice is a qualified dental nurse and lone parent to three children. She has recently been successful is securing a place to study to become a dental hygienist. She aims to take the place up once she can get her 2-year-old settled into a nursery.

In 2021, she and her children were helped by the police to flee domestic violence and the family have moved to a new city twice in order to reach this point. Unsurprisingly, her children have been very unsettled with all the changes they have experienced, but they are looking forward to a brighter future. However, money is tight and Alice does not have the funds to pay for household goods to help make their new house a home. Funds from the Barzilai Foundation provided a grant used towards home furnishings. 

Alice writes

“Good morning

Firstly, thank you for the grant, this help have been an absolute blessing, I manage to get 1 main room flooring done, my children are so happy they are able to have a place to sit especially for Christmas. You could see the relief on their little faces.

This Grant has took at least some of the burden away physically and mentally it showed us there is hope don’t give up.

I pray one day I will be in a position to help this charity to help others, so you can continue this work.

This help/grant has been a huge positive help for me and my children.

Kind regards
