Family hurt by the pandemic are able to get their home outfitted in part due to hardship grant support

Family hurt by the pandemic are able to get their home outfitted in part due to hardship grant support

A Gibraltar couple raising their young daughter had life take a turn for the worst due to impacts from the COVID pandemic. The family had just moved into their new home when the pandemic hit. Suddenly, John lost his job and Erica was forced to resign from her job due to health problems. Their home not properly fitted for basic functions only made their difficult situation worse.

The Barzilai Foundation teamed up with the EV Foundation to properly outfit their home, which had no kitchen, no appliances, and barely any furniture. The Barzilai Foundation sponsored an oven for the house, and EV provided them with fixtures and a sink, installed by Conrad proud part of our Apprenticeship Programme (see story here).

This story shows how the line between happiness and crisis can be very thin. The event that knocks down a person or family can be something out of their control: not illness, not family issues, not drug use or crime. Now, with a home that can provide basic functions and the new job John recently started, this family can regain control of their lives.