Hardship Grant provides a new boiler and warm water for a young woman in need during winter:

Hardship Grant provides a new boiler and warm water for a young woman in need during winter:

Marie is a young woman who is working hard to get her life back on track. A survivor of a difficult upbring who spent her childhood in and out of the care system, Marie was a prototypical example of how children of poor and troubled upbringings, often get stuck in a cycle of poverty and poor decision making that follows them into adulthood.

For Marie, like many other low-income individuals, the line between managing independence and poverty is very thin and even small disruptions can prove overwhelming. A disruption came in the form of Marie’s water heater breaking down. The cost of a new heater and installation was too much and for Marie meant a choice between necessities, such as food, and going without hot water.

The hardship grant program is designed in part to help people live in a dignified way. A hardship grant was provided to help Marie get a new water heater. Had it not been for the grant, she would be showering in cold water. Winter is here, and everyone deserves the right to a warm shower.