Education Access Initiative

2023 Recipient Barzilai Foundation Bursary for Access to Healthcare

Education Access Initiative

This March, the Barzilai Foundation is launching its Higher Education Access initiative to provide individuals who would otherwise not be able to access higher education opportunity through a series of scholarships and bursaries. Higher Education is a critical component for individuals and families trying to improve their financial stability and earning potential, and children of parents who have degrees or certificates are far more likely to achieve their own financial independence.

Unfortunately, low-income individuals are disproportionately underrepresented in universities and financial constraints are a primary barrier for many. This initiative is designed to support demographics that are most impacted by cost barriers or for whom traditional paths to higher education are not possible. Working closely with university, college and comprehensive school partners the Barzilai Foundation will support degree and certificate programs that create unique on-ramps to education, cater to low-income or high need communities and provide real-world career opportunities upon successful completion.

The Barzilai Foundation was founded with a mission to give point-in-time support to individuals limited by challenges beyond their control and create the opportunity for them to work past those challenges and fulfill their potential. The foundation leverages community partnerships to fulfill this mission and this initiative will entail a series of collaborations with universities and colleges.

Investing in Potential

The foundation has identified inequitable access to education and professional development as both a barrier impacting many deserving individuals as well as a chance for to create long-term impact that will influence both current and future generations.

“Our foundation is about removing negative barriers and providing positive opportunities. One way we define our work is investment in human potential,” reflected Brandon Sosa, CEO of the Barzilai Foundation. “Creating opportunities for education is a great path for us to invest in individuals who are ready and willing to work for their best future.”

The launch of this initiative allows the Barzilai Foundation to move forward with plans that have been underway with educational partners. Over the coming weeks the foundation will be announcing specific partnerships and funding programs, each designed to reach beyond the traditional student profiles and higher education access paths.