What We Do

At the Barzilai Foundation, we find individuals and families who are up against circumstances beyond their control.

We provide a defense to help protect well-being and allow individuals to maintain independence and avoid being overwhelmed by life challenges. We also open doors and enable opportunities that allow individuals who are ready to go on the offensive improve their circumstances and craft their future.

Picardo Family Seeing Vehicle for First Time

Providing a Backstop

We provide temporary defence for individuals at risk of being overwhelmed by circumstances that threaten their well-being or independence, such as illness, bereavement, loss of income, and poverty, by providing temporary support or access to services.

Flagship Initiatives include: Hardship Grants, our Exceptional Needs Grant, and our Cancer Support Pilot Programme.

Opening Doors

Opening Doors

The same opportunity can look different when obscured by barriers. The Barzilai Foundation seeks to remove those barriers, allowing individuals to take control of their life and develop their own future.

Flagship initiatives include: Education Access, our Vocation Training Programmes, our Apprenticeship and Work Experience Initiative.

We Work Within the Communities Existing Support Structure

Community partners are at the core of our work. As a foundation supporting wide-ranging communities, we value the trust and familiarity these partner organisations – charity partners, educational institutions, local governments – have built, and we align with them to achieve two goals: to launch a programme in collaboration with them, or to amplify the work they do.

Joint Initiatives With Our Partners
Joint Initiatives With Our Partners
Joint Initiatives With Our Partners
Joint Initiatives With Our Partners

Joint Initiatives With Our Partners

By collaborating with support organizations that are already embedded in the community, we greatly increase our reach and find the most efficient path to impact. These partner organizations understand the needs of their community and have the skills to support it. What we bring is a creative collaboration approach that finds new ways to impact the community together coupled with resources and commitment to make those impacts.

Building Capability in Our Partners
Building Capability in Our Partners
Building Capability in Our Partners
Building Capability in Our Partners

Building Capability in Our Partners

Investing in a partner's capabilities to fulfill our mission creates both an expansive reach and a lasting community impact. We have found that point-in-time collaboration can transform the capabilities of our partners, creating ongoing support that will serve the communities well beyond what either of us could achieve alone.

Our Initiatives

Our initiatives are not limited to a single cause, population or method of support, and are each a unique answer to the challenges our beneficiaries face. Learn more about the initiatives we've launched:

Spotlight Stories

Learn more about individual impacts or joint-programmes we've launched. Here we highlight some of our success stories, or visit our Spotlights page to see more of our work.