Cancer Relief Gibraltar Exceptional Needs Grant Application Overview:

The Exceptional Needs Grants program provides temporary tailored financial support targeted to two purposes: protection against poverty and opportunity to improve overall wellbeing, financial standing or life trajectory. Requests must meet criteria of tangible outcomes and not require ongoing funding.

Use the application form below to submit a request for grant consideration. This will be the first step, if the request proceeds the Barzilai Foundation team will work with the referrer to better understand the individual need and create the best path forward for support.

Grant applicants may come from any walk of life, but we are particularly interested in hearing from those who have been diagnosed with a health condition, have caring responsibilities, to have experienced a major life event such as divorce, job loss or bereavement or have been the victim of a crime or abuse. Ideally, grant applicants come via referral from our partner organizations, may have been, or are being, supported by our partners and have a track record of integrity amongst our trusted partner community.

Protection Against Poverty

Protection against poverty is aimed at adults who are experiencing, or in danger of experiencing, poverty* and can demonstrate that with a timely life changing grant, their poverty is likely to be relieved, now or in the future.

Examples of individual scenarios that model this need are;

  • family facing temporary financial hardship after the death of a primary breadwinner or caretaker,
  • individuals who live near poverty and have significant one-time expenditures that are both unforeseen and beyond their control,
  • individuals who experience loss of business due to pandemic,
  • individuals who experience temporary loss of earnings due to medical illness or treatment.

Creating Opportunity

Opportunity for life improvement is aimed at adults who are looking for opportunity that is unattainable due to financial constraints, and who have both a track record and potential to succeed if the financial constraints are removed. Examples of individual scenarios that model this need are;

  • individual recovering from major illness looking at getting back into workforce,
  • individual looking to obtain further credentials/education with strong work track record,
  • individual entering workforce requiring start-up materials for job.

Grant Application

For the application we ask for a some general information about the potential grant recipient. This application is intended to provide the Barzilai Foundation team an overview to determine whether the use case is in line with the grant program mission. It is not intended to be comprehensive.

If the team feels the potential recipient is a good candidate, we will arrange a subsequent discussion with the referrer. This will be to both gather more information, but also to collaborate on best path forward to support potential recipient.


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